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Fortnite’s Grind-Heavy Weekly Quests Are Being Addressed – Qayab.com

Fortnite’s Grind-Heavy Weekly Quests Are Being Addressed


Fortnite’s Grind-Heavy Weekly Quests Are Being Addressed

Fortnite players have expressed their discontent with Epic’s recent changes to the weekly quests in Chapter 4, Season 1. The new quests now have time limits, which has led to frustration among players. Epic has announced that they will be making some changes to the weekly quests in an effort to reduce the grind. The changes include an increase in XP gained from bonus goals and a reduction in the number of stages needed to complete multi-stage quests. These changes will take effect on January 18th, along with the new weekly quests. However, it is unclear how much of an impact these changes will have, and players are still upset that the time limit has not been removed altogether.

On the Fortnite subreddit, some players are unhappy with the fact that the weekly quests are only available for one week before expiring, a new development for this season of Fortnite. In previous seasons, new weekly quests would unlock each week and be available until the end of the season. While the changes made by Epic may reduce the effort required to complete the quests, it seems that players will not be satisfied until the time limit is removed entirely.

Additionally, in a recent update, the powerful Burst Assault Rifle was unvaulted and the controversial Shock Hammer was reintroduced to the loot pool after being removed due to an exploit.

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