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WoW: Wrath Of The Lich King Classic Gets An All-New Dungeon Difficulty On January 17 – Qayab.com

WoW: Wrath Of The Lich King Classic Gets An All-New Dungeon Difficulty On January 17


World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic players will soon have the opportunity to experience a new level of difficulty in the game’s dungeons with the introduction of the Titan Rune difficulty. This new mode, set to launch on January 17th, will be added to all level 80 Heroic difficulty dungeons and will feature increased health and damage for enemies, as well as additional effects unique to each dungeon. Players will also be able to acquire raid-quality gear from this new difficulty mode, allowing those who may not have had the chance to participate in raid content to still progress their characters.

This new difficulty mode is a significant addition for Wrath of the Lich King Classic and marks the first time Blizzard has added a significant new system to one of its re-releases of older WoW content. This addition aligns with the company’s recent development philosophy of providing more quality-of-life improvements to the classic version of the game without detracting from its social aspects. As a result, the automated dungeon group finder feature will not be added to Wrath of the Lich King Classic, a decision that has been met with mixed reactions from the community.

In addition to the new Titan Rune difficulty, the game will also see a new Arena season, gearing changes, and the introduction of the Argent Tournament daily quest hub. On January 19th, players will also be able to experience one of the game’s most iconic raids, Ulduar. Players can currently take advantage of a 50% XP boost event that is active until January 16th. In other WoW news, Blizzard recently released a content roadmap for the game’s latest expansion, Dragonflight, detailing all the major patches and updates players can expect throughout 2023. GameSpot’s review of Dragonflight praised the expansion for its new ideas and revamped older content, breathing new life into the game.

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